Why HipoDoc?

Medical doctors in our close circle inspired us while creating HipoDoc. We have observed that their mobile phone was full of x-ray, mr and surgery images among their personal photos. They were struggling while trying to keep track of their professional work and we decided to do something about it. In December 2015 very first version of HipoDoc was launched as an online case archiving platform. As we keep consulting other health professionals, HipoDoc has became an online experience base for medical professionals.

We worked really hard.

HipoDoc was in beta test for the last 1 year and its user experience and extent was improved during this time. We aim to make data recording and sharing easier for health professionals.We worked really hard to create a non-boring app interface that is free of endless form so that our users would enjoy while sharing their knowledge.


We beleive that the only way to make knowledge valueble and valid is to share.

 Team HipoDoc


Share your knowledge.It’s a wayto achieve immortality.
Dalai Lama